New Jersey’s No_Xcape Final Tables Ultimate Poker $20K Three Straight Weekends
New Jersey’s No_Xcape Final Tables Ultimate Poker $20K Three Straight Weekends

PocketFiver Jesse No_XcapeElliot (pictured) accomplished quite a feat recently. He made the final table of the Ultimate Poker $20,000 Guarantee Sunday Majorthree weekends in a row in New Jersey. He finished in third, eighth and first for a combined $7,877 in winnings. PocketFives caught up with Elliot to talk about his accomplishment. Check out our New Jersey poker community for more details.

PocketFives: Congrats on winning the Ultimate Poker $20,000 Guarantee Sunday Major. How are you feeling about your win and about making the final table three straight Sundays?

Jesse Elliot: Thanks! It was nice to finally book a win after reaching the final table two other times and coming up short. I guess the third time is a charm after all. I feel lucky and blessed at the same time. It’s a very daunting task to live up to my own expectations, let alone trying to keep up with all of the other great PocketFivers.

PocketFives: Making a Sunday Major final table is not easy, but you did it three straight Sundays on Ultimate Poker. Do you stick to the same strategy each time you play?

Jesse Elliot: My goal is always the same: make the final table. My strategy is typically player and structure dependent. The fun part is the player aspect; it’s like trying to solve a puzzle that’s always changing.

PocketFives: How tough were the fields? Was any particular Sunday tougher than the others?

Jesse Elliot: The fields on Ultimate Poker can be challenging because there are no notes or hand histories. You never get to see a losing showdown, which makes future decisions difficult. The fields are always filled with regs and PocketFivers. The real challenge in any tournament or aspect of life is understanding your own weaknesses and strengths. The rest will fall into place in time.

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