New Jersey’s Michael Wang (miw210) Wins WSOP $5K NLHE Bracelet
New Jersey’s Michael Wang (miw210) Wins WSOP $5K NLHE Bracelet

On Friday, Livingston, New Jersey’s Michael miw210Wang (pictured) became the first open bracelet winner of the 2015 World Series of Poker (WSOP). He took down a $5,000 No Limit Hold’emevent for his first WSOP title.

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Wang overcame a final table that had not one, not two, but three bracelet winners at it: Bryn BrynKenneyKenney, Greg gregy20723Merson, and Amir Lehavot.

As coverage on dictated, “Kenney seemed easily on his way to victory, but then lost critical hands late which see-sawed the title over to Wang, who had been speechless and contemplative throughout until the final hand when he finally revealed emotion and relief.”

Coverage detailed the dramatic fashion in which the $5K ended: “The final hand occurred when both players completed a flush on the turn, but Wang’s jack-high hearts topped Kenney’s nine-high. Wang moved all-in on the river and after about a minute of thoughtful deliberation, Kenney(pictured) announced a call, thus ending the night in spectacular and unexpected fashion.”

Wang gave a shout-out to all of his railbirds on Twitter, saying, “Can’t respond to everyone, but want to say I read all the messages and a big thank you for all the love!! #shipthebracelet”

Ship the bracelet indeed.

The tournament drew 422 players and Wang claimed $466,000 in prize money. Incredibly, the event had 415 males and just seven females (1%).

Wang told WSOP officials after the $5K had ended, “I’m still trying to process it. This is the most prestigious prize in poker. This is the best thing in the game that’s ever happened to me. It’s going to take some time for this to sink in.”

Here’s how the final nine cashed out:

1. Michael miw210Wang – $466,120
2. Bryn BrynKenneyKenney – $287,870
3. Artur Koren – $208,177
4. Greg Merson – $152,126
5. Jason jdpc27 Wheeler – $112,339
6. Amir Lehavot – $83,838
7. Joe ender555 Ebanks – $63,210
8. Long Nguyen – $48,137
9. Byron Kaverman – $37,030

Stay tuned to PocketFives for the latest WSOP coverage, brought to you by Tournament Poker Edge.

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