New Jersey Weekend Tournament Review for April 28, 2014
New Jersey Weekend Tournament Review for April 28, 2014

The final six events of the New Jersey Championship of Online Poker on PartyPoker/Borgata Pokertook place this weekend in New Jersey. Winning Event #10, a $20,000 Guarantee Six-Max tournament, was jaywentz1976, who pocketed $4,641.

NJCOP Event #11 was a $30,000 Guarantee tournament with a $200 buy-in. MajorMaladytook it down for the top prize of $7,204. Places three through six in NJCOP Event #11 were all PocketFivers. NJCOP Event #12, a $20,000 Guarantee Bounty, attracted 313 runners, with romeo8880 (romeo8880 on PocketFives) winning for $4,444.

The NJCOP Main Event had 892 runners competing for a $200,000 guaranteed prize pool. Coming out on top was MikeFrancesa, who won a cool $33,577 after a four-way final table chop. Read more about the NJCOP Main Event.

In the NJCOP High Roller Event, which had a $500 buy-in, the guaranteed prize pool was $30,000, but this tournament only paid out to the top two finishers. The winner of this event was sodueditigent. The runner-up in this tournament was George Cicak (cicakmanon PocketFives, pictured), who plays under the screen name glytterpyss. Cicak had a win in the Party/Borgata $10K Nightly in February for $2,185 and also won a WPT Borgata Winter Open package worth $5,000 in December.

David Cheng (phatchoy888on PocketFives) won the 888 Poker Big Sunday $10,000 Guarantee, taking home $3,052.

Over on, Mike Azzaro (MikeyCasino on PocketFives) made four final tables this weekend. On Friday, he finished ninth in the $10,000 Guarantee. On Saturday, he finished third in Event #7 of the WSOP KO series and fifth in the WSOP $3K Guarantee. Finally, he came in fifth in the $5,000 Guarantee Weekend Warm-Up for a total of $2,026 in winnings this weekend.

Jermzwas the victor of the $25,000 Guarantee Sunday Major, pocketing the top prize of $7,810. HeyNowMantook down the WSOP $10,000 Sunday Weekly Guarantee for $3,795.

In the Ultimate Poker$20,000 Guarantee Sunday Major, the winner was Foods123, who took home $4,918. Visit PocketFives’ New Jersey poker community for the latest news and discussion from New Jersey players.


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP event #10 – NLHE 6 max $20,000 Guarantee for Friday, April 25th had 255 runners buying in for $100 ($91+ $9) for a prize pool totaling $23.205. 54 spots paid with first paying $4,641. The final 6 finishers were:

1. jaywentz1976 – $4,641
2. ned_plimpton – $3,248 (gags30)
3. TinkleTinkle – $2,088
4. danhyoo -$1,392 (danhyoo)
5. Steven99 – $928
6. So_SIck – $742


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP event #11 – NLHE $30,000 Guarantee for Saturday, April 26th had 177 runners buying in for $200($185+ $15) for a prize pool totaling $32,745. 36 pots were paid with first being 7,204. The final 9 finishers were:

1. MajorMalady – $7,204
2. shizman792 – $5,075
3. big.appl3 – $3,274 (big.appl3)
4. NoXcape -$2,226 (No_Xcape)
5. SLHalper – $1,637 (s.l.haper)
6. oDD_li_oDDs – $1,227 (obione)
7. DoubleDogDevil – $982
8. Mr_swiper – $785
9. NeedaW – $605


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP event #12 – NLHE Bounty $20,000 Guarantee for Saturday, April 26th had 313 runners buying in for $100 ($91+ $9) for a prize pool totaling $22,223. 63 spot were played with first being $4,444. The final 9 finishers were:

1. romeo8880 – $4,444 (romeo8880)
2. Flawlessbink – $3,033
3. xICEx – $1,888 (jimmyice99)
4. Real_Donk_Star -$1,222 (Donk_Star)
5. wolverine1017 – $822
6. njbengals85 – $644
7. OohKILLemm – $522
8. boyequity – $422
9. posie65 – $322


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP Main Event #13 – NLHE $200,000 Guarantee for Sunday, April 27th had 892 runners buying in for $200($185+ $15) for a prize pool totaling $165,020 ($34,980 overlay). 144 pots were paid with first being $33,577. The final 9 finishers were:

1. MikeFrancesa – $33,577*
2. PocketSomun – $20,000*
3. cb123579 – $26,459*
4. MotherOfDragons -$23,164*
5. Atlas – $9,000
6. sp015 – $6,900
7. TheRealOD – $4,900 (odi420)
8. dapunisher – $2,900
9. luckymanib319 – $2,000

*Final Table Chop


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP event #14 – NLHE High Roller $30,000 Guarantee for Sunday, April 27th had 149 runners buying in for $500 ($465 + $35) for a prize pool totaling $69,285. 2 spots were played with first being $46,185. The two finishers were:

1. sodueditigent – $46,185
2. glytterpyss – $23,099 (cicakman)


PartyPoker/Borgata Poker NJCOP Event #15 – NLHE $20,000 Guarantee for Sunday, April 27th had 378 runners buying in for $100 ($91 + $9) for a prize pool totaling $34,398. 72 pots were paid with first being $6,536. The final 9 finishers were:

1. leinad – $6,536
2. PiggyKnowles – $4,592
3. Sveinbinder – $2,837
4. naturalcut -$1,805
5. bloodbath – $1,203
6. Hunter43 – $963
7. xICEx – $791 (jimmyice99)
8. riskaversive – $619
9. MasterChips – $447


888 Poker $1,500 Guarantee -$35 buy in for Friday, April 25th had 57 runners for a prize pool totaling $1,824. 9 spots were paid with 1st place $547. The top 9 finishers were:

1. mikes_96 – $547
2. LuckAA – $319
3. TOMLONGO – $222
4. YouPayMyRent – $186
5. flukey10 – $147 (flukey10)
6. Sikofsukouts – $129
7. Moony – $111
8. DNAsty177 – $93
9. LEBuitrago – $67 (Buitrago)


888 Poker $1,500 Guarantee – $35 buy in for Saturday, April 26th had 49 runners for a prize pool totaling $1,568. 8 spots were paid with 1st place $501. The top 8 finishers were:

1. Luckyriver13 – $501 (Dogdaze84)
2. AlexandraNM – $282
3. RustCohle – $196
4. staddle_man – $164
5. Mapz_ – $130 (Mapz_)
6. MacDaddyBulk – $114
7. anytwocards – $97
8. L_P_L_8906 – $81


888 Poker $1,500 Guarantee – $35 buy in for Sunday, April 27th had 60 runners for a prize pool totaling $1,920. 9 spots were paid with 1st place $576. The top 9 finishers were:

1. itimewonder – $576
2. ooohkillem – $336 (sunburntdonk)
3. lifeallin – $234
4. HighSociety – $195
5. TOMLONGO – $155
6. shuice55 – $136
7. jace11 – $117
8. PINDROPPER13 – $97
9. Heisenberg20 – $71


888 Poker Big Sunday $10,000 Guarantee-$200 buy in for Sunday, April 27th had 55 runners. 9 spots were paid with 1st place $3,052. The top 9 finishers were:

1. phatchoy – $3,052 (phatchoy888)
2. Lucky5 – $1,780
3. Jedmind1 – $1,241
4. Showers – $1,037
5. AnthonyMason – $824 (AnthonyMason)
6. sweetlossbro – $722
7. PINDROPPER – $620
8. fgt4w1 – $518 (wired_c4)
9. sports1st – $376

——————————————————- Knock Out Series event #6 – $1,500 Guarantee – $48 ($30+ $15 + $3) for Friday, April 25th had 109 runners. 15 spots were paid with 1st place $915. The top 9 finishers were:

1. brownmagic – $915
2. rtheusa – $555 (rtheusa)
3. jmzit2u – $346
4. Dsquared -$281
5. RedSoxNets5 – $248 (RedSoxNets5)
6. sevenstars – $173
7. QueenNena – $140
8. WilliamJLH – $107 (WilliamJLH)
9. StoxXxs – $88

——————————————————- – the $5,000 Nightly Guarantee R&A for Friday, April 25th had 183 runners buying in for $11 ($10+$1) each, 213 re-buys for $10 and 111 add-ons for $10, for a prize pool totaling $5,070. 20 spots were paid with 1st place being $1,368. The top 9 finishers were:

1 Kick02 – $1,368 (KickDJ02)
2. RuB_1_0ut – $811
3. CAllNHope – $507
4. Just_A_Fish – $405
5. Stumbdoner – $354
6. StealinChipz – $248 (StealinChipz)
7. brownmagic – $197
8. SamauriCat – $147
9. Edjord24 – $121

——————————————————- $10,000 Guarantee for Friday, April 25th had 141 runners buying in for $27.50 ($25 + $2.50) R&A, 158 re-buys for $25, 95 add-ons for $25, totaling $9,850 ($150 overlay). 25 spots were paid with 1st place being $2,750. The top 9 finishers were:

1. ton.a.chips – $2,750
2. SugarJ – $1,600
3. uNbrOkeN – $910
4. Regicide – $710 (newagedp)
5. ShankU4Chips – $610 (ThePimpOfPoker)
6. T1mB3y_B33F – $510
7. Chakde70 – $390
8. Jacwing – $250
9. MikeyCasino – $180 (MikeyCasino)

——————————————————- Knock Out Series event #7 – $5,000 Guarantee – $129 ($100 + $20 + $9) for Saturday, April 26th had 56 runners. 6 spots were paid with 1st place $1,960. The top 6 finishers were:

1. black_ivy09 – $1,960
2. SupaDupaHygh – $1,232
3. MikeyCainso – $840 (MikeyCainso)
4. Ezzed -$616
5. OhWelp – $504
6. KilgoreTrout – $448

—————————————————— – $3,000 Guarantee Re-entry for Saturday, April 26th had 47 runners buying in for $33 ($30+$3) each for a prize pool totaling $3,000. 5 spots were paid with 1st place being $1,110. The top 5 finishers were:

1. RIP_Neiko – $$1,110
2. Ashisit – $750
3. plocp – $450
4. montymole – $360
5. MikeyCasino – $330 (MikeyCasino)

——————————————————- – Weekend Warm Up $5,000 Guarantee R&A for Saturday, April 19th had 45 runners buying in for $55 ($50+$5) each, 49 re-buys for $50 and 29 add-ons for $50, for a prize pool totaling $6,150. 5 spots were paid with 1st place being $2,275. The top 5 finishers were:

1. THE_SHADOW – $2,275
2. T1mB3y_B33F – $1,537
3. Henrythe8th – $922
4. RIP_Neiko – $738
5. MikeyCasino – $676 (MikeyCasino)

——————————————————- – the $5,000 Nightly Guarantee R&A for Saturday, April 26th had 189 runners buying in for $11 ($10+$1) each, 234 re-buys for $10 and 122 add-ons for $10, for a prize pool totaling $5,450. 20 spots were paid with 1st place being $1,471. The top 9 finishers were:

1 Deuxexmachin – $1,471 (WillisNYC)
2. d3adl33 – $872
3. Just_A_Fish – $545
4. ricto777 – $436
5. oldnintheway – $381
6. hicks1784 – $267 (hicks1784)
7. rollo – $212
8. imcoming – $158
9. KayedGGG – $130

——————————————————- – $25,000 Guarantee-$215 ($200 + $15) for Sunday, April 27th had 142 runners. 25 spots were paid with 1st place $7,810. The top 9 finishers were:

1. Jermz – $7,810
2. Pivotroller – $4,544
3. njpincher – $2,584
4. kingjackoff – $2,016
5. smaulerg – $1,732
6. dragonstorm – $1,448
7. Steve_Somers – $1,107
8. ParMaker – $710 (ParMaker)
9. GaryGG1950 – $511

——————————————————- – $10,000 Guarantee – $109 ($100 + $9) for Sunday, April 27th had 138 runners. 25 spots were paid with 1st place $3,795. The top 9 finishers were:

1. HeyNowMan – $3,795
2. OhWelp – $2,208
3. uNbrOkeN – $1,255
4. TurbOLicious -$979 (TurbOLicious)
5. KilgoreTrout – $841
6. jinro1 – $703
7. URmyIncome – $538
8. brownmagic – $345
9. HOTSWEET – $248

——————————————————- Knock Out Series event #8 – $3,000 Guarantee – $87 ($70 + $10 + $7) for Sunday, April 27th had 103 runners. 15 spots were paid with 1st place $2,018. The top 9 finishers were:

1. centrfieldr – $2,018 (centrfieldr)
2. Str8FlushGuy – $1,225
3. ticktick – $746
4. Chark626 -$620
5. DaleDoback – $547
6. Jermz – $382
7. 777Poker7 – $310
8. oldnintheway – $237
9. brownmagic – $194


Ultimate Poker the $5,000 Nightly Friday, April 25th had 56 runners buying in for $50 each ($45.50+4.50). 9 spots were paid with 1st place $1,550. The 9 finishers were:

1. Ddetoma66 – $1,550
2. bigcakes – $1,050
3. border87653 – $750 (border87653)
4. WilliamJLH – $500 (WilliamJLH)
5. nanny4 – $400
6. nowitsover – $300
7. Jdawg59 – $200
8. balboa170 – $150
9. knumbnuts4 – $100


Ultimate Poker the $5,000 Nightly for Saturday, April 26th had 63 runners buying in for $50 each ($45.50+4.50) . 9 spots were paid with 1st place $1,550. The 9 finishers were:

1. Town Knave – $1,550
2. Ddetoma66 – $1,050
3. BALZovBRAINS – $750
4. niborl – $500
5. colinp – $400
6. hotmess6996 – $300
7. ickytoy – $200
8. jakep474 – $150 (jtsnakes)
9. AnthonyMason – $100 (AnthonyMason)


Ultimate Poker the $5,000 Nightly for Sunday, April 27th had 76 runners buying in for $50 each ($45.50+4.50) . 9 spots were paid with 1st place $1,550. The 9 finishers were:

1. balboa170 – $1,550
2. BALZovBRAINS – $1,050
3. tomspa – $750
4. fgt4w – $500 (wired_c4)
5. South732Paw – $400 (JohnnnyDrama)
6. Toddd – $300
7. phatdaddy – $200 (phatchoy888)
8. Alucard – $150
9. PilarlsFun – $100


Ultimate Poker the $20,000 guarantee Sunday Major for April 27th had 130 runners buying in for $100 each ($91+$9). 18 spots were paid with 1st place $4,918. The 9 finishers were:

1. Foods123 – $4,918
2. TheGreatScot – $3,648
3. RedSoxNets5 – $2,405 (RedSoxNets5)
4. RINGtheBELL – $1,770 (Lav519)
5. Super1 – $1,189
6. NoXcape – $808 (No_Xcape)
7. dopest – $681
8. Jermz – $554
9. TurbOLicious – $427 (TurbOLicious)