Molly Bloom’s Tell-All Poker Memoir “Destroys Tobey Maguire”
Molly Bloom’s Tell-All Poker Memoir “Destroys Tobey Maguire”

Molly Bloom (pictured), dubbed the “Poker Princess” by the media, was handed down one of the lighter sentences for her role in an illegal high-stakes gambling ringthat stretched from coast to coast and was heavily influenced by the Russian mob. Last year, the 36-year-old pleaded guilty to collecting rake in a poker game and was sentenced to one year of probation and a $1,000 fine. Read about the original lawsuit.

With her sentencing out of the way, Bloom now has the green light to publish a tell-all memoir of her experience organizing ultra-private poker games for the likes of Tobey Maguire, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, billionaire bankers, and sports stars. Due for release next month, “Molly’s Game: High Stakes, Hollywood’s Elite, Hotshot Bankers: My Life in the World of Underground Poker” is “an insider’s story of excess and danger, glamour and greed,” according to her publisher’s website.

Insiders say that the book will reveal the identities and gambling habits of many of the game’s celebrity regulars. “Helly [Nahmad]told me that it is a fairly accurate picture of the poker scene and is naming names, like fully, fully naming names,” said one source. “She is apparently pretty nice to a lot of the guys in it like Ben Affleck and [Matt] Damon and all those guys, but she destroys Tobey Maguire.”

Maguire (pictured) might be one of the high-stakes regulars who is least looking forward to the book’s release. Known to be extremely private, insiders describe the “Spiderman” star as one of the best players in the game. Not only that, but some say he plays on a level on par with even the most elite high-stakes pros. They also claim he used that skill, along with his connections in the movie industry, to lure in billionaire businessmen to the game, off of which he won millions.

Tobey got Molly to concoct these games using friends like Leo DiCaprio to sit at the table,” multiple sources told the New York Observer. “Tobey was basically paying their entry fee and using Leo as a lure to get these billionaires like Alec Gores and Andy Beal to come to the games.”

The same sources said Maguire has not only been taking his well-healed opponents to the cleaners at the poker table, but has also convinced them to invest in his film production company, Material Pictures. “I think this book is going to say that he has basically been… not exactly cheating them, but like setting up games where they are at a disadvantage,” they said.

McGuire is said to be fond of his deal-making skills and even bought up one player’s sizable home game debt. “There was one bad night at the tables. We were playing poker and I got buried in a game, and the games played big,” said TV producer Houston Curtis.

Curtis says he struck up a staking deal with Maguire that saw him give 50% of his winnings to the “Spiderman” star, but absorb 100% of his losses. The arrangement, he says, was unsustainable: “Eventually, it got to where I couldn’t play anymore. At the very end of it, I owed him about $300,000 from the wins and I told him I was quitting.”

But Maguire, it seems, was less interested in recouping the money than knowing he had made another profitable deal. “He told me, ‘Listen, I was never going to keep all those wins anyway,'” said Curtis. He still considers Maguire a friend, saying, “He’s the kind of guy who always does the right thing.”

HarperCollinsis planning on capitalizing on the media coverage of Bloom’s sentencing and already has marketing planned for networks like ABC, with Vanity Fair running an excerpt from the book as well. Sources say “Molly’s Game,” which will be released on June 24, lives up to the hype and will give readers a captivating look into the hidden world of underground, celebrity high-stakes gambling.

Including Bloom, 34 people were charged in connection with the high-stakes gambling ring dubbed the Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization. Helly Nahmad, son of a billionaire art dealer, was recently sentenced to a year and a day, while 2009 World Poker Tour winner Vadim Trincher and Anatoly Golubchik were hit with five-year bids. Trincher and Golubchik were allegedly high-ranking members of the betting organization headed by Alimzhan “Taiwanchik” Tokhtakhounov, a reputed Russian mob boss who has since taken refuge in his homeland.

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