“I Like the Game and Like the Money, and There’s Lots of Money in this Game”
“I Like the Game and Like the Money, and There’s Lots of Money in this Game”

Last month, Hungary’s W_P_Swas part of a three-way chop of the PokerStars Sunday Storm. His reward for making it to the final three of the 32,000-man tournament was $17,000. “I had a very tough year, so this helps me a lot now,” he told us. “I had lot of crazy beats deep in past tournaments when the money was big.”

He started playing poker in 2007 and told us that he went broke a few times. He explained, “Then, I met a guy at the tables. He liked my play at six-max and gave me a chance to play for a backer. At times in the last year-and-a-half, I have been not so good. I learned a lot from my friends. They are pros and have big profits. They review my hand histories and give me advice.”

With the score, W_P_S is over $200,000 in career online tournament winnings and told us that he won’t change stakes as a result. On the chop, he told us, “It was easy. The guys insta-accepted it. The German guy was crazy and played with a huge variance and ran so hot, so I decided to make a deal.”

He’s an avid follower of others in the Hungary pokercommunity and said he got started in the game by following them and trying to catch some showdowns. One of his all-time favorite Hungarian players is breeth (pictured), who was ranked as high as #3 on PocketFives in 2009.

In case you’re wondering, W_P_S is a full-time poker player. Prior to his career in cards, he was working at a logistics company. However, the firm shut down, which led to W_P_S pursuing his passion for poker. As he put it, “I like the game and I like the money, and there’s lots of money in this game.”

He plays on PokerStars under the user name Synot1and you can find him on 888 Pokerplaying as limpcalldepo. He has 1,394 tracked in the money finishes for an average cash of $144. He’s the #35-ranked player in Hungary and #1 in the county of Komarom-Esztergom.

Hungary is #20 worldwide in PocketFives’ Country Poker Rankings with a combined PLB score of its top 20 players of 70,990 points. There are almost 1,600 PocketFivers who call Hungary home.

He closed by sending shout outs to cedrick1, N1mb3r1nePat, Dhustler15, and giveucake.

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