Heads-Up with Party/Borgata $50K Winner Rodney Koodray (Vetstadium)
Heads-Up with Party/Borgata $50K Winner Rodney Koodray (Vetstadium)

On Sunday, October 26, Rodney VetstadiumKoodray (pictured, ranked #16th in New Jersey) outlasted a field of 264 players to come out victorious in the PartyPoker/Borgata Poker$50,000 Guarantee Sunday Major, recording his largest online cash of $10,000. The win also earned him a $100K badge on PocketFives, which was one of his poker goals for 2014.

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PocketFives: Congrats on your win in the Party/Borgata $50,000 Guarantee. Tell us how you’re feeling.

Rodney Koodray: I am feeling great after the win. I was on a slight downswing in the last two months and it seemed I was taking bad beats left and right. I reevaluated my game and think I may have plugged a few leaks just by rereading different ideas on PocketFives. I’ll give a shout out to fellow PocketFiver Mike mikewebb68 Webb; it was his random comment I read recently when scrolling through the forums that really stuck in my head.

PocketFives: Can you walk us through how the tournament went in general?

Rodney Koodray: The tournament was one of those when it seemed all of my hands held up and I won pivotal races.

PocketFives: Do any hands from the $50K stick out?

Rodney Koodray: There are three hands that stick out for me. The first was for my tournament life. I thought the cutoff was stealing, so I re-stole with 7-5 suited. He had sixes and I spiked a seven for my tournament life. Then, with about 20 or 30 left, I spiked a set of eights versus aces with the perfect flop and turn and he couldn’t get away from the hand. The third hand was short-handed and was a huge flip with my Q-Q versus A-K suited. After that hand, I honestly felt it was my tournament to lose.

PocketFives: Do you have any plans for the money?

Rodney Koodray: My wife and I discussed a trip to Puerto Rico or Florida. On Tuesday, I called into a radio station and won a trip to Universal Studios. So, the money will help pay for the kids to go too.

PocketFives: What have your friends and family said about the win?

Rodney Koodray: I’ve only told my close friends and family and they are thrilled.