Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Robert Saville (shaunsaville)
Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Robert Saville (shaunsaville)

PocketFives had the opportunity to chat with Robert “Shaun” Saville, Jr. (pictured) aka shaunsaville. He has been a member of PocketFives since 2007 and has lifetime earnings on WSOP.com of $12,731. He has been playing poker for over nine years. He is also a DJ in Downtown Vegas.

PocketFives: Are you living in Nevada or visiting?

Shaunsaville: I have lived here for six years. I am originally from San Antonio. Go Spurs!

PocketFives: Do you play on all of the Nevada sites? Any preference?

Shaunsaville: WSOP.com. I’m a Mac user only, so no Ultimate Poker for me.

PocketFives: Where did you start playing online poker?

Shaunsaville: Golden Palace Poker freerolls in 2005. Then, I downloaded PokerStars in 2006. I wanted another format to play poker.

PocketFives: You have been a PocketFives member since 2007. Just recently, you have become very active. What has changed for you?

Shaunsaville: I work full-time and own my own DJ business. I am super busy all the time. I have been able to put in more volume on weeknights in the last 90 days because of a schedule change at work. Plus, my wife would rather have me play at home than playing in a casino. Happy wife equals happy life.

PocketFives: To what do you attribute your current online success? How do you prepare yourself before a tourney?

Shaunsaville: Plugging away at my game and making mistakes in order to learn. Putting in more volume definitely helps and gaining confidence of being able to hold my own versus some of the best in Nevada. Before I put in a session, I know for sure what tournaments I am playing. I also scout to see who is in them. Once I determine my schedule, I will make sure I have zero distractions. I will also take cognitive functioning supplements like Gingko and Alpha Brain to help with mental focus. I will not play more than four tournaments at one time and will only play two at a time if one of the tournaments is $100 or more.

PocketFives: Is there anyone who helped change how you approach the game of poker?

Shaunsaville: Not anyone player in particular. I have a couple of pros I talk to regularly about their approach.

PocketFives: What is your favorite non-poker game to play?

Shaunsaville: Clash of Clans.

PocketFives: What is your favorite poker room in Vegas?

Shaunsaville: SunCoast or Orleans. Keep it local baby! Orleans has some sick tourneys with a ton of low-level players.

PocketFives: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Shaunsaville: Thanks to PocketFives for having an outlet for the Nevada players to discuss local things and online grinding. You can catch me DJ’ing in Downtown Las Vegas every first and third Friday at the Gold Spike, every third Saturday at the Griffin, and every second Saturday at Velveteen Rabbit.