Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Brenton Duda (Dudasdb)
Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Brenton Duda (Dudasdb)

PocketFives had the opportunity to chat with Nevada member Brenton DudasdbDuda (pictured). He has been living in Las Vegas for over five years while waiting for online poker to become legal in either California or Florida. With lifetime winnings of over $150,000 and over $36,000 online in Nevada, he certainly qualifies as a poker grinder. Visit PocketFives’ Nevada poker community for the latest news and discussion from Nevada players.

PocketFives: What screen name do you use and how did you choose it?

Brenton Duda: Dudasdb mostly. It’s my last name with a couple other letters, nothing special. I tried to change it a couple times over the years, but came back to it. I had a really good run on Full Tilt with UCFstdnt4life, but they made me switch it back to dudasdb and I stuck with that from then on. I always called that my lucky account.

PocketFives: To what do you credit your current success online?

Brenton Duda: I’ve been playing poker for a long time now. I started online while I was in college and never really played live before the last couple of years. Plus, apparently I suck at interviewing for jobs, so I had to get and stay good at something.

PocketFives: What do you like best about playing online poker?

Brenton Duda: I like the speed mostly. I used to play a very large number of tables on PokerStars back in the good old days. When I play live, sometimes I want to shoot myself at how slow it can be and most of the time I end up drinking a lot at the tables to make it a little more fun. So, my liver definitely likes that online poker game back to Nevada. Also, I like the anonymity of online poker and not knowing who you are really playing with. In live poker, sometimes it’s hard to put aside feelings for curtain people and it can cloud judgment.

PocketFives: What was you most memorable moment of 2014?

Brenton Duda: I played in a couple of bracelet events for the first time this year, which was a really good experiment. I basically bubbled the monster stack with a questionable all-in with J-J with about 50 people before the money, which ended up being about 15 minutes. I could have easily folded into the money, but decided I wanted to take a chance at a good stack.

I got around 100th place in the Little One for One Drop, which was cool to make the money and have a chance of going deep. I won both entries on WSOP.com, so I was able to play more my game and not worry about the money. I also went to Asia for a month and was able to see how easy it would be to live there if I wanted to make the move to play on the international sites. I had a really good time over there.

PocketFives: Do you have any special plans for poker in 2015?

Brenton Duda: Make as much money as possible before the WSOP and play as many events as my bankroll will allow me to. I’ve been doing pretty well since the last WSOP and hopefully I can stop being so lazy at times. I have met some people who push me a little harder with their work ethic, so I’m trying to hit the felt a little more.

PocketFives: Talk about your WSOP plans.

Brenton Duda: I plan on putting a lot of time in at the WSOP, either in the tournaments or cash games, to try to get more buy-ins. I have a set amount in mind for my bankroll and every dollar over that amount I plan on firing into events. I will be playing all of the qualifiers online and probably some live too.