Craig McCorkell (mcc3991) – 2014 WSOP Poker Player Profile
Craig McCorkell (mcc3991) – 2014 WSOP Poker Player Profile

United Kingdom’s Craig mcc3991 McCorkell ended Day 5 of the 2014 World Series of Poker Main Event with almost 4.4 million in chips, which was good enough for 11th place out of the 79 players remaining. He finished in 13th place for $441,000.

McCorkell is no stranger to the poker spotlight, with almost $1 million in live tournament cashes. In June 2012, he won his first World Series of Poker bracelet in a $3,000 No Limit Hold’em Shootout event for almost $369,000.

McCorkell has also had a bit of success in online poker tournaments. In March 2013, McCorkell bested 3,380 players to win the PokerStars Sunday Warm-Up for over $80,000. He followed that up with a win in the PokerStars Super Tuesday in July 2013 for almost $105,000.

One of McCorkell’s more notable hands in the 104 Main Event was when he found himself with a nut-straight with 6s-4c on a 5h-Ks-7d-3c board against American poker player Michael Aron‘s Ac-As on Day 5. While there was a bit of betting by the time the turn came down, the 5s brought a scare card for McCorkell and he checked his hand to Aron.

Aron, thinking his two pair must be good at this point, bet 550,000 with 700,000 already in the pot. McCorkell, fearing a full house might have gotten there on the river, opted to call, increasing his chip stack to 3.6 million in chips.

Later in the day, McCorkell was in another pot with Aron; however, this time Aron bowed out fairly early in the hand. With the blinds at 20,000/40,000, Aron opened with a min-raise to 80,000 in chips. Marcia Kuntz moved all-in for 1,035,000 from the hijack with Kd-Qc. McCorkell woke up with Qd-Qh and moved all-in himself, causing Aron to quickly fold. McCorkell’s hand held up on a 5c-3s-6d-3h-2c board, increasing his stack north of 4.2 million in chips.