Cate Hall Sweeps Mike Dentale 2-0 in Heads Up “Grudge Match”
Cate Hall Sweeps Mike Dentale 2-0 in Heads Up “Grudge Match”

Cate Hall beat Mike Dentale 2-0 in their best of three grudge match Sunday at SugarHouse Casino(Photo Courtesy Jeff Shurilla/PNIA)

It was billed as the ‘Twitter feud heard round the world … of poker’ and on Sunday afternoon at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia, Cate Hall and Mike Dentale added another chapter to their ongoing rivalry.

Hall defeated Dentale 2-0 in the best-of-three $15,000 heads-up freezeouts in a little over 3.5 hours. The match was live streamed on Poker Night in America’s Twitch channel and drew almost 12,000 viewers at its peak and was the most watched poker stream of the day.

Things got serious on the very first hand of play. Hall raised to 400 from the button with Ts8s and Dentale called with Qs5h. The 8d8c7s flop put Hall firmly ahead and Dentale check-called her 500 bet. The 2h hit the turn and Dentale lead out for 1,000 and Hall called. The river was the Qd and Dentale bet 2,000 and Hall called and tabled the winner to take down a 7,800 pot.

The next decent-sized pot began with Hall on the button. Hall raised to 400 from the button with Ac4c and Dentale defended with 8d7c. Both players checked the AhTd2c flop to see the 8s turn. Dentale check-called Hall’s 500 bet. The river was the 2d and Dentale checked, allowing Hall to bet 900. Dentale took nearly 90 seconds before calling and losing the hand to drop to 7,375.

Over the next half hour Dentale worked his stack back up to a high of 10,200 before finding a big pot of his own to win. Hall called from the button with Js9s before Dentale raised to 1,200 with AcKd. After the 9d5d2c flop, Dentale bet 1,000 and Hall called. The turn was the Td and Dentale fired 1,500 into the pot and Hall folded.That 5,900 win gave Dentale a stack of 11,650.

Just 15 minutes later Dentale got close to even by taking down a 4,800 pot. Hall raised to 400 from the button with 9s7c and Dentale called with KdTd. After the Th8s4c flop Dentale check-raised Hall’s bet of 400 to 1,000. Hall called. The turn was the 4s and Dentale lead out for 1,000. Hall called again. The river was the 3s and Dentale bet 1,500, forcing Hall to fold.

Over the course of the next hour Hall regained momentum and the nearly 2-1 chip lead. it took her just 15 more minutes to end the first match. With Dentale down to just 3,000, Hall moved all in with Ad9h and Dentale called with Qc5d. The board ran out 9s5c3s4cJd to give the first match to Hall.

The second match started off with the same sort of fireworks that the first one did. Dentale raised his button to 400 with 5c5d and Hall called with 8s4h. Dentale bet 700 after the 7s2s2c flop before Hall raised to 2,100. Dentale tanked for 3.5 minutes before folding.

Hall quickly built up a 2-1 chip lead and never gave up the lead again. After 40 minutes of play, Hall had a 5-1 chip lead before Dentale found himself a double-up. Hall called from the button with 5h2c and Dentale checked his option with 4d3c. Dentale check-called Hall’s bet of 300 after the 5c4h2h flop. Dentale checked the Ac turn, Hall bet 900 and Dentale moved all in for 3,400. Hall tank-called and watched the Tc turn give Dentale a full double to 7,700.

Dentale’s stack fell to just over 5,000 before the final hand of the night. Hall raised to 300 from the button with KcKd and Dentale defended with Ac2s. The flop came AsKd5s, Hall bet 400 and Dentale called. The turn was the 8h, Hall bet 1,300, Dentale moved all in for 4,325 and Hall called. The river was a Kh to give Hall quads and the second match to sweep and earn $30,000.

After the match Hall had some fun, tweeting that she might be looking for her next opponent.