“As a Food Aficionado, Living Here Opens a Lot of Doors”
“As a Food Aficionado, Living Here Opens a Lot of Doors”

On the last weekend of April, Russian transplant harrrrmonica, who now lives in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, won the Full Tilt Poker Sunday Brawl outright for $25,000. There were almost 600 entrants and harrrrmonica won the tournament for the second time in eight months.

“It feels great to get first,” harrrrmonica told PocketFives. “I had a long run, maybe around six months, where almost every time I was deep and felt like the win was close, I’d always get sixth to ninth place.”

He beat fellow PocketFiver pvas2heads-up in the Sunday Brawl and said of his opponent, “The heads-up part itself was short and I won a flip basically, but earlier at the final table, we had some confrontations.”

Wait a minute: confrontations? The Sunday Brawl winner said, “He won a huge pot with five left shoving with ace-high over my flop raise in a three-bet pot. It seemed not too savvy to me and I let him know. Later, when I was short, he three-barreled 4-4, small blind versus big blind on an ace-high board, and doubled me up.” After that hand, more words were exchanged in the chat.

He added, “At the final table of the Sunday Brawl, as often happens deep in majors, we discussed a deal. I preferred to reject it, as I do most of the time, and would like to say that it surprises me that so many guys put on their PocketFives profiles some strong words like, ‘I’ll play you any stakes, any game,’ but basically refuse to play for it as soon as the pay jumps get into the five-figures. No offense to anyone personally, but let’s play more three- and four-max for some serious cash. That’s the name of the game, isn’t it?”

harrrrmonica is fresh off moving from Russia to Mexico, so he’ll use his newfound winnings to offset some associated expenses. “In Playa del Carmen (pictured), you, as a poker player, get the best quality of life for your money, not accounting for the time zone, which also was a big part of the move. Hopefully the internet connection will not let me down deep in some SCOOP event.”

He’s a foodie and said living in Playa del Carmen “opens a lot of doors” in that department. He’s currently the top-ranked player in the poker beach town out of 31 PocketFivers there with PLB scores.

Since harrrrmonica is now camped out on the other side of the world from Russia, he wants to travel around the Caribbean and, most notably, head to Cuba. Why? “It’s a mix of the old colonial style and the communist era, which it seems like is coming to a logical end.”

Whatever he’s drinking in Mexico seems to be working, as he took down the Super Tuesday one week after his Sunday Brawl win and bagged another $102,000, his largest tracked score to date. He finished third in the Super Tuesday last year and has $1.2 million in online poker cashes across 1,729 in the money finishes.

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