888poker Launches BLAST – New Lottery Style SNG Format

Lottery-style sit-n-gos have been all the rage in the online poker world the past 18 months and now 888poker has come up with a new twist on the format called BLAST Poker.
Similar to other lottery-style sit-n-gos, BLAST is a shorthanded, hyper-turbo SNG with a randomly drawn prize pool that ranges from 2X to 10,000X the buy-in. The game deviates, however, in a few key ways. 888 has put their own spin on the format by offering four-handed games instead of three, and implementing a timer, which when complete, interrupts the match and converts the game into an all in shootout.
The bigger the prize pool, the more time players will have to make their own decisions. BLAST allots six minutes for the 2-5X level, eight minutes for the 10X level, 10 minutes for the 100X level and 12 minutes for the 1,000-10,000X level.
BLAST players begin relatively deep with 1,500-chip stacks, much more than the 500-chip starting stacks common in the industry for this format.
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The game is also unique in that payouts aren’t solely winner take all, and are instead structured depending on the prize pool multiplier awarded. At the lowest level, the first place finisher walks away with 100% of the pot, while at the 1,000X and 10,000X levels every player is guaranteed at least 10%, with 60% going to the winner.
The vast majority of the time, games are seeded with prize pools of either 2X or 5X the buy-in, with the elusive 10,000X maximum multiplier awarded just once in every 100,000 games. The 1,000X prize is handed out in 1 of 25,000 games, and the 100X is awarded once in every 2,500 games.

1st Place |
At the moment, BLAST players can jump in games with buy-in levels of $.10, $1, $5 and $30.