15 Bigs: Vladas Tamasauskas Sizes Up Our Poker Teasers in Style

The snappiest dresser on the poker circuit, one of the best high roller players currently plying his style and a travelling poker player par excellence. Vladas Tamasauskas is all of these things, as well as one of the most profitable players selling action on PokerStake.
But can Vladas deal with our 15 Bigs? We’ve got the 15 toughest teasers on the poker planet, designed to tempt and tease those we only known from the felt into revealing some secrets of their lives and careers. In any given tournament, Vladas might well be down to 15 big blinds and forced to either shove or fold.
It’s time to make those marginal calls…
You’re on a long-haul flight and can only choose one TV Show or Movie to watch on repeat, which is your pick?
Gladiator. It’s my favourite movie of all time.

If you were stranded on a desert island with one book for company, what would it be?
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius by Gregory Hays, to have stoic reminders with me all the time.
What’s the song you could listen to on repeat forever?
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.
What’s your favourite place to play poker and why?
The PokerGO Studio. High stakes, good competition, and the best service. It has a competitive but friendly atmosphere at the same time. Also, beautiful trophies, I love those gold cups!
If you were to be shot at dawn, what would be your last meal and drink?
Fillet mignon steak with mashed potatoes and a glass of vodka on the rocks.

Where’s your favourite non-poker holiday destination?
Non-poker place… I’d say Madrid. It is my favourite city; it has everything you might need and has that royal vibe, it could be good for holiday and for living there full time. It’s actually great for poker too!
You can play poker every day for a year or play no poker for a whole 12 months – which do you choose?
Play poker every day. I can’t imagine such break at this point of my life. I love the game, there are so many trophies waiting to be won.
Who is the person you don’t have around anymore that you miss the most?
I’m very lucky in this aspect, pretty much all the close people of mine are still around. I’m spoiled.
Which person would you most like to meet but never have?
I’d like to meet Steph Curry. I’m a big basketball fan and I love his enthusiasm and his style of play. He makes the game fun for him, his teammates, spectators and even the opponents.

When’s the last time life put you on tilt?
That’s a good question, I’d say I’m not much of a tilter. Maybe in 2023 when I was travelling to Cyprus for EPT, I had my last flight with a cheap Greek airline and they lost my suitcase. I was staying in Cyprus for 11 days and they couldn’t bring it for the entire stay! Eventually they found it and sent it to Lithuania, it took them like two weeks to do it. Shoutout to all Greek airlines.
If you couldn’t play the WSOP Main Event next year, which family member would you put into the action in your place?
Assuming my brother is playing also, then I’d put my father. He knows the rules, we used to play three-handed a little bit growing up. I’d put him, but wouldn’t be too happy about it, haha!
What’s your best poker skill?
My reading abilities. My favourite thing to do is to catch opponents bluffing, throughout the years of experience and meeting different people I think I developed a decent skill to read people when they are empty.
And your biggest leak?
My biggest leak might be playing a little too strict, not going out of the frames of play more. When you start playing poker you’re freestyling completely, because that’s the only thing you know. But with all the theory available these days, it’s tougher to fully let your intuition shine.
You feel one thing, but the hand for certain play is not approved by theory and end up passing on the spot, sometimes it’s the right thing to do, but there are times where the hand doesn’t matter. So yeah, probably the biggest leak of mine I’d say is being too strict for myself, but it’s not always the case and I’m working on it.
If you could make one rule change to poker, what would it be?
I would make it a smaller percentage of people who enter tournaments that make the money and more top heavy for first place.
You have just ten seconds with the person of your dreams… what do you say?
Ten seconds, that’s tough. I’d say ‘I love you more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.’
Vladas absolutely nailed our 15 Bigs. With huge tournaments coming up for one of poker’s biggest stars and most consistent performers, be sure to stay glued to his official PokerStake player page and invest in one of the best.