15 Bigs: Nacho Barbero
15 Bigs: Nacho Barbero

Every player deals with peril in tournament situations… seemingly apart from Jose Ignaciao Barbero, otherwise known as ‘Nacho’. In the last 12 months, Barbero has won a phenomenal $3.8 million of his $8.4 lifetime winnings at the poker felt, cashing in a phenomenal seven events this year alone, for well over $2.8m. He’s a tournament expert… so how does he take on the situation of having 15 bigs…?


Our 15 questions are designed to tease and taunt the very best poker players from around the world and right now, Nacho could be top of the pile. Can he pick his last meal? Will he know what to say to the person of his dreams. The man from Argentina is about to go all-in, but will he double up or be taken out?


1.    You’re on a long-haul flight and can only choose one TV Show or Movie to watch on repeat, which is your pick?


TV show for sure Game of Thrones, for a movie, Kill Bill Volume 1!


Game of Thrones
Westeros discovers how much Nacho has won already in poker tournaments in 2023.


2.    If you were stranded on a desert island with one book for company, what would it be?


Siddharta by Hermann Hesse. We’d never heard of this, but the book, which is about the spiritual evolution of a man living in India at the time of the Buddha, does sound pretty amazing.


3.    What’s the song you could listen to on repeat forever?


Heartbeats by The Knife.



4.    What’s your favourite place to play poker and why?


Barcelona by far! I get to eat the best food and go watch my favorite team (F.C. Barcelona). The beach is nice, the value of the tourneys is amazing, and the nightlife is great!


5.    If you were to be shot at dawn, what would be your last meal and drink?


A French red wine called Pomerol, fois gras and black rice with sepia. For dessert an assorted cheese platter with grapes!


6.    Where’s your favourite non-poker holiday destination?




7.    You can play poker every day for a year or play no poker for a whole 12 months – which do you choose?


(Laughs) Is that even a question? Every day, obviously!


8.    Who is the person you don’t have around anymore that you miss the most?


My dad.


9.    Which person would you most like to meet but never have?


Lionel Messi


Leo on Line 1
“Leo on Line 1…” Messi is Nacho’s ultimate celebrity. Let’s get these two legendary Argentinians together.


10.   When’s the last time life put you on tilt?


When I lost many millions with Luna! We’re going to just assume that’s something to do with cryptocurrency rather than anything connected with the moon.


11.   If you couldn’t play the WSOP Main Event next year, which family member would you put into the action in your place?


My brother – he is a beast!


12.   What’s your best poker skill?


I like my reading opponent skills! We’d say it’s working so far in your career, Nacho!   


13.   And your biggest leak?


I misclick on final tables or don’t pay too much attention!


14.   If you could make one rule change to poker, what would it be?


The bubble, we need to do something to fix it!


  1. You have just ten seconds with the person of your dreams… what do you say?


Let’s f**k!


He was drawing thin to that river, only to save himself at the last. What else did we think would happen with one of the most in-form poker players on the planet? Get ready for a big World Series of Poker, Nacho… it’s crunch time.