15 Bigs: Daniel Zack
15 Bigs: Daniel Zack

One of the toughest regular positions to be in at the poker table is the short stack. Down to a shove or fold pile of ’15 Bigs’, every player must deal with the pressure of knowing their next hand may be their last. Our own 15 Bigs represent 15 tough questions designed to test the mettle of any player.


This week, we asked the 2022 World Series of Poker Player of the Year Dan Zack our questions and it revealed a huge amount about the man who has been ‘Mr. Consistent’ over the past few years in Sin City during the WSOP. Will be double up or crumble under the pressure. Let’s take off.


1.    You’re on a long-haul flight and can only choose one TV Show or Movie to watch on repeat, which is your pick?


Lots of good choices here but I think The Office is my #1. It’s just an all-time classic that never gets old and always makes me happy. Bring it back please Netflix.


2.    If you were stranded on a desert island with one book for company, what would it be?


The Magicians
Lev Grossman’s The Magicians is Dan’s pick for his desert island book.

Probably The Magicians by Lev Grossman. I’m a big fantasy book reader and it’s one that I connected with when I was in a darker place. All the other choices would be fantasy too; Game of Thrones, or the Harry Potter series.


3.    What’s the song you could listen to on repeat forever?


There’s a ton of choices here, and I’ve always consumed songs by binging individual songs or albums. Seventeen by Sjowgren has been my recent one of these but any number of Taylor Swift songs would top this list also – The Last Great American Dynasty and Call It What You Want get honorable mentions.


4.    What’s your favourite place to play poker and why?


The Borgata for sure. I just love the needling culture of the mix game there and the crew that’s played for years. I feel like I grew up as a player and as a person in that game and would love to play with those guys forever if I had my choice.


5.    If you were to be shot at dawn, what would be your last meal and drink?


Handmade pasta with Arrabiata sauce, a rack of lamb, and my fiancé’s homemade key lime pie.


Lamb with Arrabiata
Lamb with Arrabiata pasta? Dan is dining well before facing the firing squad.


6.    Where’s your favourite non-poker holiday destination?


Malta! I struggle with foreign languages and quickly forget the ones that I learn and so having a place that architecturally and culturally feels so different while still being English-speaking was perfect. Also, you can’t beat the weather and beaches.


7.    You can play poker every day for a year or play no poker for a whole 12 months – which do you choose?


No poker for sure. I love playing poker but only in healthy doses. Playing every day for a year would drain the joy out of it for me.


8.    Who is the person you don’t have around anymore that you miss the most?


My grandmother who passed away nearly 10 years ago now. She taught me how to play poker & cards and also used to gamble with me on just about anything from the World Series to the Little league World Series. Always loved her trash talk and competitive spirit and wish she could have seen my poker career.


9.    Which person would you most like to meet but never have?


Taylor Swift! Let me know if you have any connections.


10.   When’s the last time life put you on tilt?


Every time an NFL team punts on 4th and short from midfield a part of me dies.


NFL Punt
Don’t punt, don’t punt, don’t…oh. It’s the 4th down again.


11.   If you couldn’t play the WSOP Main Event next year, which family member would you put into the action in your place?


My brother. I grew up watching online poker over his shoulder as I wasn’t old enough to play. He’s always wanted to play but is too busy with work to actually make the trip. Hopefully one year he can get the time.


12.   What’s your best poker skill?


These days it’s probably mindset, although that certainly hasn’t always been the case, as a long-time tilter and emotional wreck. But these days I’ve gotten it under much better control and also when it spirals, I find the exit much more consistently than years past.


  1. And your biggest poker weakness?


I like to see what my opponent has!


14.   If you could make one rule change to poker, what would it be?


Easily shorter shot clocks. Poker would really benefit from being sped up. It’s fair for everyone and would create a much better environment.


  1. You have just ten seconds with the person of your dreams… what do you say?


‘I love you’.


Three simple words, but the most meaningful of all. Who were we to think we could stump the reigning WSOP Player of the Year? Now we need to help Dan meet a Billboard legend. Look what he made us do.