Horses and Chickens and a Girlfriend, Oh My!
Horses and Chickens and a Girlfriend, Oh My!

When you date someone, everything they love becomes everything you love. For PocketFiver girafganger7(pictured), that meant horses and chickens. Luckily, he chopped the PokerStars Sunday Million Double Vision late last month for $88,000, the third largest amount given out in the four-way deal. We’re sure that money will go a long way in helping his animal friends.

“It still hasn’t sunk in,” girafganger7 told PocketFives. “It feels unreal.” He came into the final table, which was played six-handed on Double Vision Sunday, with the fifth largest stack after routinely battling with fellow PocketFiver hitthehole. As he said, “I had to be aware of ICM considerations. The pay jumps were huge.” hitthehole ended up in fifth place and banked $35,000; he did not participate in the chop.

Three of the final six players in that week’s Sunday Million, which attracted 4,802 entrants, were members of PocketFives. He said of the last six, “It was going to be hard to win it. The other players were all decent and very aggressive.” The Sunday Million Double Vision actually fell short of its guarantee, shelling out a total of $1 million to 600 players.

Life is expensive,” girafganger7 said pretty bluntly when asked what his plans for the money were. “It certainly takes some of the pressure off. My girlfriend and I have three horses and 20 chickens saved from the slaughterhouse. On top of that, she has chronic Lyme disease and her medication is expensive since it is not an ‘official’ disease yet.” You could say that $88,000, in this case, is very much life-changing.

Let’s get back to the fowl and horses for a minute. According to girafganger7, they “came with the girlfriend, all in one package. I never really had a special connection with animals, but I love them now.” Hopefully he has plenty of room for his non-human friends and they’re not all pent up in a living room watching reruns of “Cheers” while girafganger7 grinds online.

Outside of poker, girafganger7 watches movies and listens to music. He classified his day as “90% poker” and said he got his start in the game by depositing $50, and then another $50, “playing for fun, not having a clue what I was doing.”

He quit the game briefly due to restrictions in his native Belgium, but fell in love with it all over again after he was working at a bar. As he explained, “I quit my bar job because it started affecting my health. I joined Pocarr and grinded hard so I didn’t have to find a real job.” The rest, as they say, is history.

Congrats to girafganger7 on chopping the Sunday Million Double Vision!

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