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About shushu4u

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  • Birthday 06/21/1981


  • Real name
    Edward Flattery
  • Your gender
  • Location
    Wisconsin, United States


  • About Yourself
    Just a kid with a Dream!!
  • Favorite poker hand
  • Your profession
    finest herb specialist!!!
  • Favorite place to play
  • Your hobbies
    Getting 10th-18th place....Forgetting to add-on in rebuys and falling asleep while playing late.
  • Favorite Cash Game and Limit
    .01/.02 drunk @ bar time
  • Favorite Tournament Game and Limit
    midnight madness on FTP

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  1. yo yo, what ya been up too?

  2. So when you gunna teach me to win big bro??? congrats on the recent scores bro!!

  3. You run like the top 100 players on P5s online......when you play live......keep it up bro!
  4. thanks for the grats way back man, i just binked 2nd in chicago main event
  5. i heard you are good. how much for lessons???
  6. 48k and 36k in 7.5k GTD eh?? MBN lolz
  7. keep it pimpin.........PIMPIN!!!!
  8. oh boy!!!! here we go again.... Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep keep it pimpin
  9. keep it pimpin.....PIMPIN!!!
  10. All bow down to the beast of the 608!!!!!
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