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About mstark87

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    Canterbury Region, New Zealand


  • About Yourself
    Coaching - $100/per hr or $500 for 6 hrs.
    Sharkscope - mstark87 (Player Group)
  • Favorite poker hand
    6s 6c
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  1. why are you such a beast, and a TRUE Indiana NO.1?

  2. Look at this ole' Kiwi! Tennis coach gon Poker Pro, Such a beast.

  3. Hey man, is this the same Matt Stark that played tennis at school?

  4. look at this badass!

  5. glad to see you doing well my friend I'm trying to get back on the grind myself gotta build this roll up so I can play the bigger buyins more consistently. gl @ the tables

  6. let me know if you are ever up on the east coast near Atlantic City.

  7. Write Something...

  8. Sweet bink in in Palm Beach!!

  9. You do realize you are the best player in charleston right?

  10. donkin aint easy

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