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About kleath

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    Bjorn Kleathersson
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  • About Yourself
    just gettin daize with my brim low

    For coaching/training info visit [URL="http://www.premierpokercoaching.com"]Premier Poker Coaching[/URL]
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  1. your the man klonks

  2. bull crap u know im one of the faves

  3. Horsin around in HORSE with the norse horse and Horst,that means horse with no geeforce of course, so may we court Crazyhorse!
  4. Every once in a while, a student will come up to me and ask, "Senor Chang, why do you teach spanish?" Haha, they say it just like that. Why do YOU teach spanish? Why...you? Why not math? Why not...photography? Why not martial arts? I mean surely, it must be in my nature to instruct you in something that's ancient and secret, like, oh, building a wall that you can see from outer space. Well I'll tell you why I teach spanish- It is none of your business. And I dont want to HAVE any CONVERSATIONS about what a mysterioussss and scrutabbbble man I am. Oheheheheheeehee. Ohohohoho. I AM A SPANISH GENIUS. en espanol, my nickname is "el tigre, chino!" cause my knowledge will BITE HER FACE OFF. So DON'T QUESTION SENOR CHANG, or you'll get bit. ya bit. YA BIT!
  5. YOU'VE BEEN KoJacked!!
  6. thanks man, ur gr8 and if when the more can to from?
  7. Bjorn you're really swell! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok?!?! are we yes??
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