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About Gags30

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  • Real name
    Michael Gagliano
  • Location
    New Jersey, United States


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    For coaching/training info visit www.Gags30poker.com


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  1. Grats on the Brawl buddy

  2. Grats on the Brawl score!!!!!!!!1

  3. You are a beast. That is all.
  4. hey man, saw you playing on [url]www.pokerstars.com[/url] the other day and wanted to say i think you're the best!!!!!!!!!
  5. ranked in the top 10 o waaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt
  6. oh hi ranked pocketfiver....hehe, congrats
  7. in after rankage. sicko.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH shanetrain is my heroooooooooooooooo
  9. hey Mike, i moved to toronto from somerville, how is the old barn? lol anywho, just wanted to holler and say good work on the triple crown and say whats up. GET PUMPED
  10. triple crown itt
  11. Yo Mike, whats going on man?? Im pumped, just looking throught the PLB leaders from NJ... saw your from Rockaway, i live in Jefferson... just wanted to say whats up.
  12. hey man, cute pic...wanna go out some time?
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