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About funnygut

  • Community Level
    gone hollywood
  • Birthday 09/30/1985


  • Real name
    Phil(adelphia) Collins
  • Your gender


  • About Yourself
    I can't give you a bam, but I can do a - green eggs and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
  • Favorite poker hand
  • Your profession
  • Favorite place to play
    Koson Casino, Iowa City
  • Your hobbies
  • Favorite Cash Game and Limit
    cash is the devil
  • Favorite Tournament Game and Limit
    telling shanetrain22 how badly i run all day and then binking

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  1. whatcha lookin at ma gut fir? i saw ya
  2. A serious man
  3. im sorry, ive never really had the chance to judge your scent, maybe im wrong. take care.
  4. DGTballer: i also dislike funnygut and his scent
  5. hmm no scores on 3/9 nor 3/26...whats wrong? cant grind 31 straight days?
  6. icdt avatar!! <3
  7. 2k plb? win something already plz
  8. stupid flounders!!!
  9. triple crown itt
  10. oh, oh hi you play so sexy. i'm constantly boned up. IC pwns
  11. hi 2800 and rising
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