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About fearlessfemale

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  • Birthday 05/02/1976


  • Real name
  • Your gender
  • Location
    Massachusetts, United States


  • About Yourself
    Placed in a tourney on 6/22 for 2k..first time ever for an amount that high..pretty proud of myself..headed to Foxwoods to play in the 600 mega sat & win..yup high hopes
  • Your favorite poker sites
    32Red Poker
  • Favorite poker hand
    AC7C and 77
  • Your profession
    being me playin poker
  • Favorite place to play
  • Your hobbies
    duh poker & family
  • Favorite Cash Game and Limit
    1-2 nl, 5-10 nl
  • Favorite Tournament Game and Limit
    $60 $80 turbo live, 120 mtt,

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  1. [url]http://scottmatusow.com/blog/2011/06/30/full-tilt-poker-controlling-interest-sold-usa-players-to-be-paid-as-part-of-deal/[/url]

  2. hey i get free rooms at woods now ever sun-wed i tried to let joe know but don't know if he saw my post. I get the rooms every wk of every month didn't know if he/u we're interested for the mega otherwise im givin them away thanks

  3. hope ur ok...worried about yan the things goin on

  4. ive actually have won more money than whats posted on here!!
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