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About dekarr69

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  • Birthday 08/21/1989


  • Real name
    John T
  • Your gender
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada


  • About Yourself
    Started learning about the game probably about a year ago and started playing about 6 months ago and since then i have taken my game more seriously and signed up at p5s to improve my game as much as possible im currently a micro/small turbo stt grinder. Many thanks to everyone for helping me out since i signed up here i went from -22% roi to a 13% roi player and its only getting better.
  • Your favorite poker sites
    32Red Poker
  • Your profession
    Tech support
  • Your hobbies
    Snowboarding, counter-strike, hanging with friends
  1. good guy played at a final table with him seems like a great guy keep up the good work man gl at the tables
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