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Everything posted by cracker9ball

  1. 1 milly badge congrats bro

  2. you're a Beast! Keep it up!
  4. wow great day, a 1st, 2nd, 6th, and a 20th weeeee, also 5th winning day in a row, lets keep it going!
  5. Nice job in WCOOP, you took several bad beats at FT.
  6. A 2nd, 6th, and 11th last night!
  7. A 1st, 3rd, 7th, and a 10th. Pretty good night.
  8. Won a HORSE tournament only 71 players but it was fun!
  9. wow, had a great night, 2 FTs 1 win!
  10. Do it! Do it ! Do it!
  11. Lets ship some Ts!
  12. shipped $11 25k gtd on stars
  13. 3 Fts yesterday!
  14. FTs everywhere, I just need to keep improving and Ill be a beast!
  15. Blah a 5th, a 4th, and a 11th. Decent profit though.
  16. Shipped the last one. 1st in 3.30 3k gtd. on Poker Stars. It had 1488 players. YEA
  17. 2 FTs trying to ship this last one!
  18. weeee! Shipped a 1.5k gtd on AP!
  19. WEEEEE! 2nd in $5 cashout $2500 gtd
  20. switched to skype,
  21. All my info is in "Decent player wants to improve" thread. Instant message me on AIM. I been playing at least 8hrs a day starting at 5pm central.
  22. Shipped it! Yeah almost $700 for 1st in $11 1.5k GTD.
  23. Good Job at WSOP Limit event and the day before! Nice run I was pulling for you.
  24. Thanks for the add, see you on Dhustler name on Stars a lot the last few years.
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