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Everything posted by omahoff

  1. Good Luck this month at wsop/other events!

  2. been running any good lately justin?
  3. hey dude why dont you get your rankings from your results on here
  4. hey whats up justin, i work with matt he said you play on here alot so i decided to look u up
  5. congrats on scoop ft also!
  6. hey dcoop been seeing you alot in plo tourneys on ft then saw you on ps and said you were from st.louis so i figured id say whats up. where in st.louis you live?
  7. damn borris sure looks like it, I see a couple nice scores on your page! I havent been playig to hot started the year great but march and april have kicked my ass so far! I am playing alot but still trying to find that heaterlol
  8. love the name dude. You going to 311 day in vegas!?
  9. 311 day in vegas!!! you goin?
  10. wow. So I saw ur post in the forum, and decided to check you out. Im from MO also and play alot of cards....and love 311 also. SO I figured I would say whats up. Ask him how we should claim online winning/losses since it is frowned upon in the first place
  11. wentzville Hey whats up flash, I see we are the only 2 people on here representing wentzville. Figured Id add u and say whats up
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