Jonathan Little
Jonathan Little won yet again on the PokerGO Tour, putting himself in a great position to be measured up for the Poker Masters Purple Jacket

The fourth and latest PokerGO Poker Masters Event #4 was won last night by Jonathan Little, whose victory against Harvey Castro heads-up earned him $226,800. At a final table featuring players such as PokerGO favorite Sam Soverel, live and online crusher Isaac Haxton and one of this year’s most consistent Poker Masters players so far, Jim Collopy, Little was the big man as he proved his poker prowess yet again at the live felt.

Lin Left for Dead

A total of 81 entrants took part in the latest $10,000-entry event of the 2024 Poker Masters, with just a dozen players making the money. Lucas Foster cashed in Event #3 but just missed out on repeating that result in Event #4. All-in with AdJh on the bubble, he lost out to Clemen Deng’s KhKc and missed profit by one place.

Matthew McEwan cashed for $20,250 in 12th place, losing with AcQd to Jim Collopy’s KhKd as kings once again proved strong enough, while Alex Foxen cashed for $24,300 one place higher up the leaderboard as his KsJs was dominated and defeated by Soverel’s AdKd, an entertaining board of Qd6c4sAs5h playing out to give Foxen hope on the turn but dash all optimism on the river.

John Riordan (10th for $24,300) and Brock Wilson (9th for $24,300) both missed out on the final table, as did Ren Lin. The Chinese player shoved with Ad5s and was called by Haxton with KsQd before a flop of KdTd3s put Haxton ahead. A 6h on the turn and a 3h on the river ended Lin’s hopes as he busted for $32,400 in 8th place.

Haxton Slips At Worst Time

The final table began with Collopy in charge leading with 2.5m to Isaac Haxton’s 2m in chips. At that stage, Jonathan Little was third in chips, with 1.85m chips, a long way ahead of some. Clemen Deng was the next player to leave, with his AhJh shove pre-flop running into Little’s AcKh, before a flop of Th3c3d7c5h pronounced Deng out in seventh for $32,400.

Despite being so previously powerful, Isaac Haxton slid out in sixth place for $40,500. Haxton called off his stack with AsTs pre-flop after Jonathan Little four-bet shoved with AhJd. A flop of Td7c4d put Haxton in with a great chance of doubling through his bigger stacked opponent but a Jh returned the narrative to its original form, and a 7d on the river sent Haxton home.

Wayne Nowak was the next to fall and once again in was Little swinging the scythe. Nowak was all-in with As2c on a flop of Ac6s3d but Little had no issue calling with AdQc and no help came for Nowak on the 9s and Qh river as Nowak took away $56,000 and Little moved into a totally dominant position.

Little Sees it Out in Style

With 6,375,000 chips, Jonathan Little had more than Sam Soverel (1.95m), Jim Collopy (1.05m) and Harvey Castro (750,000) combined. Castro managed a full double-up through Little when AdKd beat KsTs and that put pressure on both the other short stacks, with Soverel eventually the next man to depart. All-in with AdKd, Soverel lost to Little’s JsTs when a flop of Jd8s7s gave the eventual winner top pair and a flush draw, robbing Soverel of outs. A 9h turn was followed by a 2s river for Little to flush Soverel away with a score of $76,950.

Three-handed, it wasn’t long before Collopy shared Soverel’s fate. Losing a coinflip with 2c2s to Little’s Ks3h a king and a three on the flop did for Collopy, who cashed for $105,300 as Little took a better than 5:1 chip lead into the last duel. Initially, Castro got off to a golden start, as he got a quick double-up, but his resurgence was not to last.

Little shoved with the button and AdJs and Castro made the call with the inferior Ts9d. A board of 5s4s4c3dKc rewarded Little as he rivered two pair and he took the title and $226,800, as Castro claimed $145,800 in second place.

After four events, Little is one of four different winners on the overall leaderboard as players battle for the top prize of the purple Poker Masters jacket, a $25,000 PGT Passport and a $10,000 NAPT Gold Pass courtesy of event sponsors PokerStars. With the biggest win so far, Jeremy ‘JBex’ Becker leads by a small margin from other winners Little, Justin Zaki and Spencer Champlin, with players such as Jim Collopy, Jeremy Ausmus and Nick Seward all still in contention.

Previous owners of the purple jacket who could become the first two-time winner include last year’s winner Stephen Chidwick (2023), Sean Winter (2022), Michael Addamo (2021), Sam Soverel (2019), and Steffen Sontheimer (2017), with the 2018 champion Ali Imsirovic still serving an indefinite ban from PokerGO Tour events along with Jake Schindler.

PGT Poker Masters 2024 $10,000 Event #4 Final Table Results:
Place Player Country Prize
1st Jonathan Little United States $226,800
2nd Harvey Castro United States $145,800
3rd Jim Collopy United States $105,300
4th Sam Soverel United States $76,950
5th Wayne Nowak United States $56,700
6th Isaac Haxton United States $40,500
7th Clemen Deng United States $32,400