For this week’s Podcast, we’ve lined up two poker players who have become successful in two very distinct ways — Aurangzeb Sheikh (Ozzy 87) and Jim Worth (KrazyKanuck).

Having barely finished High school, “Ozzy 87” ( Online Tournament Player Ranking #9) has already proven himself to be one of the most-successful poker players in the history of Online Poker, dominating the highest buy-in cash games and tournaments. The Online Poker forums lit up last December when he managed to win $110,000 in just 40 minutes on the Prima Poker $100/$200 No-Limit Hold ’em tables!

But it hasn’t all been easy profit making for “Oz”, who still regrets making (and subsequently losing) the high-stakes August Tournament Leader Board wager that was well publicized here on To this day, he remains very sensitive about the issue, and preferred not to talk about it during our interview with him. However, he did share that he’s learned a lesson from it; and now refrains from making bets on events he has no control over (including sports, pit games, etc.) We’ll discuss Ozzy 87’s rise to the top of the Online Poker world on this week’s show.

Our second guest is one of the long-term consistent winners in Online Poker. Jim “KrazyKanuck” Worth made a name for himself back in 2004 by winning numerous Multi-Table Tournaments on his favorite site, His success was so great, that the UB administration decided to make him their Site Ambassador, which in turn sparked a new wave of popularity for a site that has one of the most-loyal customer bases on the Net.

Jim has seen quite a few up-and-coming young tournament players fall apart after having a lot of initial success at the online tables. We’ll ask him to voice his opinion on the controversy surrounding the philosophy of Old School versus New School Online Poker players as well as his thoughts on overall tournament strategy.

This show also marks the Podcast’s 10-Week anniversary, and we are thrilled with the response we’ve gotten from Members and the Online Poker community in general. We welcome your input via telephone: (206) 203 – 4730 or email: [email protected]. Enjoy the show!